Feature Comedy Film

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Hercules Recycled 2.0

“IF Da VINCI MADE A FILM, THIS WOULDN’T BE IT.” Combining the cheesiest parts of 9 epic “Sword and Sandal” movies (including “Hercules”, “Hercules Unchained, and “Last Days of Pompeii”), Hercules Recycled 2.0 is an insane, redubbed hybrid comedy/adventure set in a future where the power’s run out and the world has collapsed into primal …Read more »

От Лестера до Голливуда (From Leicester To Hollywood)

Рис бросил бесперспективную работу, чтобы осуществить свои голливудские мечты. Он планирует снять эпический роман с рекордно низким бюджетом, взяв кинематографические декорации из реальных событий и экранную химию из любовной жизни своих актеров. С чрезмерно амбициозным сценарием в кармане начинается производство. Но в кинопроизводстве, как и в любви, дела редко идут по плану. Rhys has given …Read more »

Curral de Moinas — the people’s bankers

Peace in the fictional Portuguese village Curral de Moinas is disturbed when Quim discovers he had a father who left him a huge inheritance with a bank, the prestigious BLOW-ME (Bank of Loans Over Worth-Market Exchange). So the two friends Quim and Zé head for Lisbon and start living a life of luxury, drinking bubbled …Read more »


Gaganachari is a sci-fi mockumentary that takes place in a dystopian future where civilization is rattled by the existing strangle-hold of a hostile socio-political climate. The story focuses on the lives of three bachelors who reside in an apocalypse bunker whose lives get turned upside down when a visitor from a far off planet enters …Read more »

Welcome to the Family

Leonid Ivanovich is a criminal mastermind. He loves only two things in this world: being the «Godfather» and his daughter Mira. In order not to anger the boss, everyone bypasses Mira. Except Sasha, who knew nothing about the family, and just fell in love at first sight. Now he has a difficult task — not …Read more »