Comedy Web Series

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This Is Bomb Out

BOMB OUT on tour. The tension-filled relationship between Malte (Voc) and the choleric Hannes (Git) is already revealed when the posters are put up. It comes to an argument when Malte sprays the tour bus which Hannes is vouching for. Additional fuel: A professional guitarist is called in for the Berlin show. To unite the …Read more »

JIMMY & JONNY — The Handover

A sitcom centered around two peculiar dudes and their wacky adventures. Director: Sebastian Wegner, Nico Bourgeais

The Man for Your Sins — Under Pressure

Full 2nd Season — 9 Episodes: A Priest listens to confession in a container. Comedy Web Series Director: Joachim Jung


Five twenty-somethings become lost while on a road trip to a weekend getaway due to their navigator’s alcohol-fueled gross negligence. As a result, they are no longer destined for sunshine and pool time. Rather, they are relegated to life in a small, peculiar town filled with inhabitants who hold mysterious beliefs, strange traditions, and a …Read more »

Хагай (Hagai)

Нир (27) и Гев (27), лучшие друзья детства, вынуждены иметь дело с загадочной и неожиданной беременностью Нира в их стремлении отомстить и убить Хаву Альберстьен, известную певицу на идише. Nir (27) and Gev (27), best friends from childhood, have to deal with Nir’s mysterious and unexpected pregnancy through their quest to avenge and kill Hava …Read more »