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Бомбочки для ванн с кислым яблоком (Sour Apple Bath Bombs)

Несостоятельный владелец малого бизнеса не знает, почему продажи выросли после того, как двое из его сотрудников начали тайно продавать наркотики в его магазине. A failing small business owner remains unaware as to why there’s a a rise in sales after two of his employees begin secretly selling drugs in his shop. Режиссер: Мэг Поверомо (Meg …Read more »

Церковь Хоки-Поки (The Hokey Pokey Church)

Отчаявшаяся мать ищет просветления на встрече с жестким священником в церкви Хоки. A desperate mother seeks enlightenment on a zoom meeting with the rigid, anal minister at The Hokey Church. Режиссер: Дебра Нокс (Debra Knox)

Снежный человек и я (Bigfoot & Me)

Один человек мечтал найти легендарного снежного человека. После нескольких недель поисков в пустыне произошла встреча, которая навсегда изменит его жизнь. One man’s dream is to find the legendary Bigfoot. After weeks searching in the wilderness, he has an encounter that will change his life forever. Режиссер: Кен Коул (Ken Cole)

The only start are above

Small and medium-sized businesses have gone through very difficult times during the pandemic. In such moments, ingenuity, a positive attitude, and, most importantly, the ability to remain oneself in any circumstances come to the rescue. So, the employees of the theatrical cafe, who became by necessity the agency of star doubles, managed not only to …Read more »

The Leaf Blowerers

On the face of it, this is a film about two leaf blowerers, but it is really about territory, competition, combat and acceptance. Director: Joe Bor