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JIMMY & JONNY — The Handover

A sitcom centered around two peculiar dudes and their wacky adventures. Director: Sebastian Wegner, Nico Bourgeais

Zader Law Episode 1

Zader Law is a web series following ex convict now bounty hunter, Zader, and his two best friends as they try to make the world a better place one parole enforcement at a time. For fans of Dog The Bounty Hunter, beating your own ass, and chugging Surge till your eyes bleed. Director: Stanley Sievers

Бомбочки для ванн с кислым яблоком (Sour Apple Bath Bombs)

Несостоятельный владелец малого бизнеса не знает, почему продажи выросли после того, как двое из его сотрудников начали тайно продавать наркотики в его магазине. A failing small business owner remains unaware as to why there’s a a rise in sales after two of his employees begin secretly selling drugs in his shop. Режиссер: Мэг Поверомо (Meg …Read more »

Церковь Хоки-Поки (The Hokey Pokey Church)

Отчаявшаяся мать ищет просветления на встрече с жестким священником в церкви Хоки. A desperate mother seeks enlightenment on a zoom meeting with the rigid, anal minister at The Hokey Church. Режиссер: Дебра Нокс (Debra Knox)

Everyone Forgot

«You have 0 (zero) new notifications…» It’s Lily’s birthday and nobody seems to care. Desperate for some form of recognition on her special day, Lily turns to a handyman service for company. Director: Theo Kai Marlow