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One man’s quest to speak with the right person and obtain the correct form in order to request a new light bulb so he can finish an Efficiency Report that’s due in five minutes 3½ hours ago. Director: David Carey

Suzanna Blana

Suzanna, a budding actress, is getting ready to attend a very important audition. However, when she reaches the door, she realizes that her chance may be lost. Director: Katerina Kalentzi  

Before The Witness Leaves

A birthday party. Four bottles of gin. A master and his servant. Four longtime friends are the only guests. At the end of the party, it turns out that the master has been poisoned. A new substance will leave him only 60 minutes to live, and in this short space of time Charles Benniac will …Read more »

Ashens and the Polybius Heist

A heist like no other. A motley crew of misfits hunt down an infamous 80’s arcade game that can supposedly control people’s minds. But is the legend all that it appears? Can the No-Confidence Crew get to it before it’s too late? And what do lawnmowers have to do with it? The clock is ticking. …Read more »

The Ball of Light

When an old school bloke goes to his first ever yoga class the results are anything but enlightening. Director: Nick von Schlippe