Dark Comedy Short

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Страшное утро на съемной квартире (A dangerous morning in the rental flat)

Двое после страшной пьянки пытаются выяснить, кто убил их третьего собутыльника. Расследование заходит в тупик, когда они узнают, что все это время они были заперты в квартире. Изнутри … Two cattle after a terrible booze trying to figure out who killed their brother — the third drinking companion. The investigation comes to a standstill when …Read more »

Лайкнуть, поделиться, сделать репост (Like.Share.Repost.)

Два парня решили стать популярными видеоблогерами. Для того, чтобы получить необходимые на старте канала лайки и репосты, они решили использовать специально разработанные для военных таблетки, которые снимают боль. Но что-то пошло не так. Two guys decide to become bloggers. In order to get views and likes they take some experimental military pills which deprive them …Read more »

Tango in the village N

The short film “Tango in the Village N” is a tragic comedy about the reverse assimilation of haughty urbanites. It turns out that rural life has its own way about it, its own rules and traditions. The attempt to mesh with its world is not always well received, and, at times, can even lead to …Read more »

Some Cats of the Neighborhood

Hanımefendi in her 60s continues her life isolated from the human beings. Every day at the same time, she leaves the house and feeds the cats in the park. One day on the way back home from the park, Bahadır’s car almost hit the lady. And that’s how they know each other. Bahadır is a …Read more »

Charlie – Someone’s in there

Charlie is about love while Apocalypse wind destroys everything. Antonio fights for the love towards his companion and his dad and faces one of the hardest choice in his whole life. Режиссер: Паоло Касаролли (Paolo Casarolli)