Dark Comedy Short

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Heat of the Moment

A man on a wheelchair has a disagreement with his «externalized demon» on how to treat their hostage. Режиссер: George Gyftopoulos

Странный сезон (A Strange Season)

Брак, который насчитывает более полувека, распадается, когда муж страдает паранойей. A marriage that spans over half a century cracks when the husband gets plagued by paranoia. Режиссер: Бурак Огуз Сагунер  (Burak Oguz Saguner)

The Finger on the Button

A pentagon General receives a call from the president ordering a nuclear strike against SOUTH Korea. A Major questions the order. Does the president have dementia? Will a nation be obliterated? Watch and see! Режиссер: Джонни Левис (Jonny Lewis)

Tango in the village N

The short film “Tango in the Village N” is a tragic comedy about the reverse assimilation of haughty urbanites. It turns out that rural life has its own way about it, its own rules and traditions. The attempt to mesh with its world is not always well received, and, at times, can even lead to …Read more »

Лайкнуть, поделиться, сделать репост (Like.Share.Repost.)

Два парня решили стать популярными видеоблогерами. Для того, чтобы получить необходимые на старте канала лайки и репосты, они решили использовать специально разработанные для военных таблетки, которые снимают боль. Но что-то пошло не так. Two guys decide to become bloggers. In order to get views and likes they take some experimental military pills which deprive them …Read more »