Dark Comedy Short

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One couple. A special night. Dinner. Wine. Will the night turn out as they imagined? Director : Angeliki Pardalidou

Suicide Hotline

Mr Jameson is having a Thursday like any other. That is, until arriving home from work to answer a cold call the likes of which you’ve never come across. And hopefully never will. Mike is an employee of the Suicide Hotline, and he takes his job very seriously. Only the Suicide Hotline isn’t in the …Read more »

Лайкнуть, поделиться, сделать репост (Like.Share.Repost.)

Два парня решили стать популярными видеоблогерами. Для того, чтобы получить необходимые на старте канала лайки и репосты, они решили использовать специально разработанные для военных таблетки, которые снимают боль. Но что-то пошло не так. Two guys decide to become bloggers. In order to get views and likes they take some experimental military pills which deprive them …Read more »